Saturday 15 June 2013

Story Concepts for Unit 74

Different Concepts

 - Vampires
 - Daemons
 - Zombies
 - Mutants
 - Post Apocalyptic
 - Aliens
 - Sentient machines (terminators)

 - War
 - Crime
 - Superhero

Top Choices

These are the 2 Horror plots i am more leaning toward

Set in an alternate version of today where people still live in a 19th century esque civilization (with a few differences), the human populations of the world are plagued and hunted by the things that go bump in the night. The Order, the last remnant of the catholic church, original created as a combat arm operating out of the Vatican are the oly thing keeping us safe. Designed to effectively counter the supernatural forces plaguing the populace they try to maintain order in a world where humanity is no longer the top of the food chain.

December 21st 2012, according to the Myan calender the end of times. As far as most are aware the day passed without much event. However, to a select division made up of the best soldiers of the world, since that day we have been at war... On December 21st 2012 at 3:30am one of the Knights of hell, Abaddon was released from his confines in hell, and with his rise all the daemons in hell rose with him. Under his command, they assaulted the human populations of this world and for the past 6 month, we have been at war...a losing one.

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