Friday 1 June 2012

Evaluation Unit 65 Flash Animation


Using Adobe Flash we were tasked with planning and creating a flash animation, i had originally planned to create a interactive version of my comic strip however due to my limited skills in and general dislike of Flash i was unable to carry it out. i instead chose to create a simple animation based on my dislike of the software. it involves me and a friend in my class interacting at our computers.
I first created some concept sketches of several characters that were based off of my class mates that could potentially be used in my animation, i ended up settling on 2, the characters of me and Rory, i then refined the designs and attempted to draw them in flash. Then moving on to story and story board for the project.

Because i had initially planned on creating an interactive banner of my comic strip the final product i created does not meet my original intentions, and i ended up having to cut some of my final animation because it was taking too long to create. I ended up managing my time quite badly, i could have improved on my Time management if i had cut out all the unnecessary designs for characters i created and just used the ones for the characters i knew i would be using.

I struggled with the whole concept of animating in flash, i always ended up forgetting what i needed to do in order to make it work correctly, constantly having to go back and heck tutorials in order to get the work done. However i found the drawing of the characters and other images in flash to be easy when using a tablet, especially easy compared to photo shop which requires a lot more finesse when sketching/drawing/painting with a tablet.

Because flash can be used with a relatively limited knowledge base there are lots of professional examples where the quality of the animations/designs are not that different from amateur versions so i don't think my final piece came out looking too bad.

a few people thought that the concept and designs were good whereas the actual animation itself wasn't to the best of standards, which i do agree with.

I could improve of the general standard of the animation by having increased amounts of practice with the software. However if i could go back and do it again it would probably come out the same at the end, just maybe it would have taken less time

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